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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Top 5 Reads Revisited!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Life Changing and Regret Reading!


Biography and Love


Historical and Enlightenment


Crime and Nostalgia

From Hell (Alan Moore)
'Jack the Ripper' has to be one of histories most famous criminals. There are many theories on who he was, and this is one of them - delivered through the means of a graphic novel. Moore has done an incredible amount of research into the Whitechapel murders....and even if you don't agree with his thesis (I'm sold on it) this is an incredible piece of literature. The drawings are dark and brilliant (and apparently the artist has permanent black hands for his effort).

The Little Prince (Antoine De Saint-Exupery)
For two reasons:
i). I was read this on my year 9 school camp, by my camp instructor whom I had a bit of a thing for.
ii). This book is all about the mind of the child. How they see things so as adults we get carried away with silly unimportant things. He even dedicates the book to his adult friend...when he was a child -'the little boy from whom this grown-up grew.'

Travel and Humour

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams)
This one made me laugh too!!!

Confessions of a Crap Artist (Phillip K. Dick)

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Top 5 Books

1. Sleeping In Flame (Jonathan Carroll)
Fantasy based in reality. He has a beautiful way of seeing and writing about relationships and what most people call 'fate' and 'destiny'.

2. The Corrections (Jonathan Franzen)
Very interesting characters - all faulted but you like them. Not a true story but an interesting look into American family life.

3. In Cold Blood (Truman Capote)
Topical and terrible (in a good way). Very disturbing. A huge departure from 'Breakfast at Tiffanys'...can see why writing this book ruined him!

4. A Fortunate Life (A.B. Facey)
True story of an amazing life...not an easy one and yet he calls himself 'fortunate'. Good Australian history piece.

5. White Teeth (Zadie Smith)
Book about London 30 odd years before we all started living here. About places we know but are very different to how we know them. I like her writing style - a more digestible Salman Rushdie.